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  • Sulyn Nagpal

    17/04/2024 at 8:34 am in reply to: Today’s Words 17.4.24 – When life gets important

    Worthwhile is the thing you do that makes your heart sing for the higher good. Finding that Thing takes patience and allowance from a place outside our limited comfortable egoic agenda.

    Willpower is acting on that Thing until it is delivered, no matter what the ego has to say about it.

  • Sulyn Nagpal

    28/04/2023 at 12:46 pm in reply to: Today’s Words 28.4.23 – I am

    Individual to me means being separate and different; knowing what unique strengths and gifts I have to offer. Being human is signing up to having an individual experience, and drawing forth these gifts to create. In the journey of this creation, it then becomes about detaching and letting go of my being as an individual, and moving towards a blended wholeness, a collective awareness. How can I individually serve for the highest collective good of all?

    from the I

    to the I am not the I

    to the I Am.

    Shadow is my underlying memories and beliefs from where my everyday thoughts and behaviours arise. My shadow is not real, but is a reflection of my past. If I create from my shadow, I get the same outcome as my past, and old patterns repeat. True creativity comes from playing with my shadow as if I was re-shaping it and bending my perceived reality – taking inspiration from passions I have never allowed myself to follow because of fear of my shadow.

    Changing focus from my individual experience to my inspired passion, is like shadow-shifting

    from the I

    to the I am Not, and the Who am I?

    to the I Am.

  • Obstacles are placed in our path to challenge our way of seeing things and to create new ways of doing things. Like tension, obstacles are there to draw attention to something we need to draw out, a learning opportunity we can experience, or simply to stop to smell the roses.

    Acknowledge to me is being present to recognise what life is and what we have and are blessed with. It is gratitude to those that support and help us. It is connecting with the heart of each person we meet listening and being present for them.

    It is important to acknowledge both the gifts and obstacles in our lives as they shape our journey of the life we create.