Commercial Property Bootcamp – Are you a good candidate?
Well hi Melissa Fisher here and I just thought I’d jump on and let you know about the up and coming boot camp that we have got in March. I am super super excited and at the moment we are flat out organizing some amazing things that have been going on and some incredible speakers. Now yes we’re having the bus trip of course we’re having a bus trip and we’re going out we’re seeing live deals and.
Whenever heavy hitters come along and and support the whole process of what we’re going to do in the workshops We have and talk about various different things and be able to support you along the way So there’s a whole lot going on and I am very very excited Now I often get asked. Ah, is this boot camp for me?
Wow! So the question really is who is the boot camp for and who is it not for? Okay, so let’s make it really easy It is for people that want to earn good money, that want to get involved in commercial property, that want to have passive income, that want to achieve other things in their lives, that want to ultimately make a change and do something different with their life.
It’s for agents that want to see what’s happening in the market from a different perspective. This bootcamp is all about change and what’s going on. So a massive, massive topic. It is for Buyers agents that want to get their head around how we do things differently and what, what a scope of, of work looks like for a creative portfolio strategy.
It is for property investors that want to see what’s going on in the market and understand good investment opportunities. It’s for anyone that wants to understand about commercial property, particularly. We do touch on some Rezzy stuff, but generally at a commercial level but it really, honestly, it’s for, it is for anyone that wants to take control of their life, that wants to learn about commercial property, that wants to network with some incredible people, and I’ll tell you my masterminds are coming, oh my lord, what these guys are doing is absolutely insane.
So, it is if you want to network, if you want to learn, if you want to find out what’s happening in the market, if you want to Look at new strategies if you want to understand how the returns are made. If you want to actually workshop it, pull it apart and walk away with an absolute roadmap of what you can do and how you can do it and the team around you.
If you want to make some good connections. Like I said, there’s very few people it’s not for. So let’s narrow it down then to who it’s not for. This is not for people that don’t want to do anything. This is not an event for people that want to come and sit. and do nothing and then not be happy about their outcome.
That’s about it. That’s about the only ones it’s not for. So, so there is a reality here. We, we do have a, a quite a diverse group of people that comes to the bootcamp, but the bootcamp will really give you a whole lot of insights, a whole lot of information. We work through things. So you come out of it with a, a very good understanding of how it plays out.
And we do it with live deals. So there’s some massive, massive opportunity there. But if you don’t want to get involved, if you don’t want to be a team player, if you don’t want to achieve great things in your life, if you don’t want to network well, if, if you don’t want to get off the couch, this is not for you because we are very interactive.
It is workshop. So you do have to get involved with other people. You do have to talk to other people. You do have to have conversation. You’ve got to contribute and you’ve got to want to dig that a little bit deeper and go, what’s this all about? What do I want out of life and why do I want to do this?
Because there’s the big question. You’re never going to earn what you’re capable of earning or achieve what you’re capable of achieving if you don’t know what it’s for. So the biggest question you can ask yourself is why, why do I want this extra money? Why do I want an investment? What is it all about?
Because believe me, when you know that the whole world changes. Okay. It’s a very, very different game to play. And. I am happy to be able to create an environment that makes it possible. So that’s what the bootcamp is about. It’s what, who the bootcamp is for and who it’s not for. So it’s up to you. If you want to take control of your life and you want to be able to understand how this plays out, have the security around your investments, your portfolio make some great choices, meet some incredible people and learn a whole heap as well as grow your team.
Then absolutely this bootcamp is for you. If you want to sit on the couch, mate, good luck with that. But this is not, this is not where you need to be. Anyhow, I am so excited. So I look forward to seeing a heap of you at the bootcamp in March. Got so much planned for it. I’m very excited to look forward to seeing you there.
Bye for now.